New Born Muslim Baby Boy & Girl Names

Name Meaning of Khan in English, Urdu, Hindi & Bangla

View the Meaning, Gender, Category, Origin & Country of Muslim Boy Name Khan Meanings are explained in English, Urdu, Hindi & Bangla.

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Khan Meaning

Name Khan
Meaning Arabic: Prince; A Title Used By Central Asian Tribal Chieftains And Ruling Princes. Khan Is Also An Inn Built Around A Courtyard,Leader,Ruler,Ameer
Gender Boy
Lucky Number 7

Meaning of خان in Urdu

عربی: پرنس؛ وسطی ایشیائی قبائلی سرداروں اور حکمران شہزادوں کے زیر استعمال عنوان۔ خان یہ بھی ایک صحن کے آس پاس ایک این بلٹ بنایا گیا ہے ، قائد ، حکمران ، عامر

Meaning of Khan in Hindi

अरबी: राजकुमार; मध्य एशियाई जनजातीय सरदारों और शासक प्रधानों द्वारा प्रयुक्त एक शीर्षक। खान इज़ एन इन ए बिल्ट अराउंड ए कोर्टयार्ड, लीडर, रूलर, एमियर

Meaning of খান in Bangla

আরবি: যুবরাজ; মধ্য এশীয় উপজাতীয় প্রধান এবং শাসক প্রিন্সেস দ্বারা ব্যবহৃত একটি শিরোনাম। খান ইজ এন্ড ইন বিল্ট এরাউন্ড এ আ কোর্ট, লিডার, রুলার, আমির

Lucky Number : 7

Spirituality, Self-introspection and all the activities associated with the spiritual awakening are clung with this number. It indicates the journey to know yourself better and enlighten your soul. Number 7 is the representation of higher wisdom and intellectual consciousness.

Number 7 is the omen of good opportunities and profits that may come when you trust your intuition. Negatively, the number gives you indications about the depression, mental turmoil, saturation, self-righteousness, and pride.

Khan is Muslim name which means - Arabic: Prince; A Title Used By Central Asian Tribal Chieftains And Ruling Princes. Khan Is Also An Inn Built Around A Courtyard,Leader,Ruler,Ameer. Name Khan Found in following countries- Afghan,Algerian,Bahraini,Bangladeshi,Comoran,Egyptian,Emirati,Indonesian,Iraqi,Jordanian,Kuwaiti,Libyan,Malaysian,Moroccan,Pakistani,Palestinian,Qatari,Somalian,Syrian,Tunisian,Indian.