New Born Muslim Baby Boy & Girl Names

Name Meaning of Khaseeb in English, Urdu, Hindi & Bangla

View the Meaning, Gender, Category, Origin & Country of Muslim Boy Name Khaseeb Meanings are explained in English, Urdu, Hindi & Bangla.

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Khaseeb Meaning

Name Khaseeb
Meaning Khaseeb Is An Arabic Name For Boys. It Is A Word Used To Describe Land And Means Fruitful,Productive,Fertile,Filled With Trees And Grass
Gender Boy
Lucky Number 6

Meaning of خطیب in Urdu

خصیب لڑکوں کا عربی نام ہے۔ یہ ایک ایسا لفظ ہے جو درختوں اور گھاسوں سے بھرا ہوا ، پھل دار ، پیداواری ، زرخیز ، اور زمین کے بیان کرنے کے لئے استعمال ہوتا ہے

Meaning of Khaseeb in Hindi

कासेब इज़ ए अरबी नाम फॉर बॉयज़। यह एक ऐसा शब्द है जिसका इस्तेमाल भूमि और साधनों का वर्णन करने के लिए किया जाता है, फलदायक, उपयोगी, उपजाऊ, पेड़ों और घास से भरा होता है

Meaning of Khaseeb in Bangla

খাসিব ছেলেদের জন্য একটি আরবি নাম। এটি এমন একটি শব্দ যা জমি এবং গাছের গাছ এবং ঘাস দ্বারা পরিপূর্ণ ফলবান, উত্পাদনশীল, উর্বর মানে বোঝাতে ব্যবহৃত হয়

Lucky Number : 6

Number 6 is the number of hearts. A person with this numerology number always keeps the heart before the mind. It’s energy focuses on the selfless decision and enables the person to remain family oriented throughout his/her life.

The people with the number 6 energy are often seen teaching and guiding others. Number 6 is the sign that now is the time to get rid of all your negative energy and follow kindness, self- sabotage and idealistic behavior.

Khaseeb is Muslim name which means - Khaseeb Is An Arabic Name For Boys. It Is A Word Used To Describe Land And Means Fruitful,Productive,Fertile,Filled With Trees And Grass. Name Khaseeb Found in following countries- Afghan,Algerian,Bahraini,Bangladeshi,Comoran,Egyptian,Emirati,Indonesian,Iraqi,Jordanian,Kuwaiti,Libyan,Malaysian,Moroccan,Pakistani,Palestinian,Qatari,Somalian,Syrian,Tunisian,Indian.