New Born Muslim Baby Boy & Girl Names

Name Meaning of Rigel in English, Urdu, Hindi & Bangla

View the Meaning, Gender, Category, Origin & Country of Muslim Boy Name Rigel Meanings are explained in English, Urdu, Hindi & Bangla.

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Rigel Meaning

Name Rigel
Meaning Arabic: Foot; Rigel Is A Blue Star Of The First Magnitude That Marks The Hunter's Left Foot In The Orion Constellation
Gender Boy
Lucky Number 6

Meaning of ریگل in Urdu

عربی: پیر؛ ریجل پہلا طول و عرض کا ایک نیلی ستارہ ہے جو اورین نکشتر میں ہنٹر کے بائیں پاؤں کا نشان دیتا ہے

Meaning of Rigel in Hindi

अरबी: पैर; रिगेल पहले चुंबकत्व का एक नीला सितारा है जो हायरियन तारामंडल में हंटर के बाएं पैर को चिह्नित करता है

Meaning of Rigel in Bangla

আরবি: পা; রিগেল হ'ল প্রথম ম্যাগনিটিউডের একটি নীল নক্ষত্র যা মৌখিক নক্ষত্রের মধ্যে হান্টারের বাম পা চিহ্নিত করে

Lucky Number : 6

Number 6 is the number of hearts. A person with this numerology number always keeps the heart before the mind. It’s energy focuses on the selfless decision and enables the person to remain family oriented throughout his/her life.

The people with the number 6 energy are often seen teaching and guiding others. Number 6 is the sign that now is the time to get rid of all your negative energy and follow kindness, self- sabotage and idealistic behavior.

Rigel is Muslim name which means - Arabic: Foot; Rigel Is A Blue Star Of The First Magnitude That Marks The Hunter's Left Foot In The Orion Constellation. Name Rigel Found in following countries- Afghan,Algerian,Bahraini,Bangladeshi,Comoran,Egyptian,Emirati,Indonesian,Iraqi,Jordanian,Kuwaiti,Libyan,Malaysian,Moroccan,Pakistani,Palestinian,Qatari,Somalian,Syrian,Tunisian,Indian.