New Born Muslim Baby Boy & Girl Names

Name Meaning of Izz in English, Urdu, Hindi & Bangla

View the Meaning, Gender, Category, Origin & Country of Muslim Girl Name Izz Meanings are explained in English, Urdu, Hindi & Bangla.

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Meaning Izz

Name Izz
Meaning Glory,Honour,High-standing,Prestige,The Daughter Of Al-haytam Muhammad Bin Al-haysam Was So Named
Gender Girl
Lucky Number 7

Meaning of Izz in Urdu

عظمت ، اعزاز ، اونچی حیثیت ، وقار ، حیتم محمد بن الحیسم کی بیٹی کو اس کا نام دیا گیا

Meaning of Izz in Hindi

ग्लोरी, ऑनर, हाई-स्टैंडिंग, प्रेस्टीज, द डॉटर ऑफ अल-हयतम मुहम्मद बिन अल-हयसम वाज सो नेम

Meaning of Izz in Bangla

গৌরব, সম্মান, উচ্চ-স্থায়ী, প্রতিপত্তি, আল-হাইতম কন্যার মুহাম্মদ বিন আল-হাইসাম এর নামকরণ করা হয়েছিল

Lucky Number : 7

Spirituality, Self-introspection and all the activities associated with the spiritual awakening are clung with this number. It indicates the journey to know yourself better and enlighten your soul. Number 7 is the representation of higher wisdom and intellectual consciousness.

Number 7 is the omen of good opportunities and profits that may come when you trust your intuition. Negatively, the number gives you indications about the depression, mental turmoil, saturation, self-righteousness, and pride.

Izz is Muslim name which means - Glory,Honour,High-standing,Prestige,The Daughter Of Al-haytam Muhammad Bin Al-haysam Was So Named. Name Izz Found in following countries- Afghan,Algerian,Bahraini,Bangladeshi,Comoran,Egyptian,Emirati,Indonesian,Iraqi,Jordanian,Kuwaiti,Libyan,Malaysian,Moroccan,Pakistani,Palestinian,Qatari,Somalian,Syrian,Tunisian,Indian.