New Born Muslim Baby Boy & Girl Names

Name Meaning of Nasiqa in English, Urdu, Hindi & Bangla

View the Meaning, Gender, Category, Origin & Country of Muslim Girl Name Nasiqa Meanings are explained in English, Urdu, Hindi & Bangla.

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Meaning Nasiqa

Name Nasiqa
Meaning One Who Manages,Organiser,One Who Forgives,Forgiver
Gender Girl
Lucky Number 7

Meaning of ناصیکا in Urdu

ایک جو انتظام کرتا ہے ، منتظم ، معاف کرنے والا ، معاف کرنے والا

Meaning of Nasiqa in Hindi

वन हू मैनेजर्स, ऑर्गेनाइजर, वन हू फॉरगिव्स, फॉरगिवर

Meaning of Nasiqa in Bangla

যিনি পরিচালনা করেন, সংগঠক হন, ক্ষমা করেন, ক্ষমা করেন

Lucky Number : 7

Spirituality, Self-introspection and all the activities associated with the spiritual awakening are clung with this number. It indicates the journey to know yourself better and enlighten your soul. Number 7 is the representation of higher wisdom and intellectual consciousness.

Number 7 is the omen of good opportunities and profits that may come when you trust your intuition. Negatively, the number gives you indications about the depression, mental turmoil, saturation, self-righteousness, and pride.

Nasiqa is Muslim name which means - One Who Manages,Organiser,One Who Forgives,Forgiver. Name Nasiqa Found in following countries- Afghan,Algerian,Bahraini,Bangladeshi,Comoran,Egyptian,Emirati,Indonesian,Iraqi,Jordanian,Kuwaiti,Libyan,Malaysian,Moroccan,Pakistani,Palestinian,Qatari,Somalian,Syrian,Tunisian,Indian.