New Born Muslim Baby Boy & Girl Names

Palestinian Baby Boy Names Starting With M

New Born Unique and Beautiful Palestinian Boy Names by M. Get Palestinian Baby Boy Names That Starts From Alphabet M

List of Muslim baby names of Palestinian origin. Names are listed Alphabetically and gender-wise. There are many religions in Palestinian origin, but our website is dedicated to Helping parents of the Muslim Community to choose baby names for newborn kids. Choose the best name from the list below for your little one.

Palestinian Girl Names Alphabetically


Palestinian Boy Names Alphabetically


Name Meaning
Mohmad Prophet Mohamed
Mohmed The Prophet Of Islam
Mohmmad TBD
Mohmmed The Prophet Of Islam
Mohmood Praiseworthy; The Prophet Of Islam
Mohomad The Prophet Of Islam
Mohomed Founder Of Islamic Religion
Mohomet TBD
Mohommad The Prophet Of Islam
Mohommed Praised One; Form Of Muhammad
Mohseen Security Of Parent
Mohsen One Who Does Good
Mohsheen Another Name Of Prophet Yusuf
Mohshin Gentle; Helpful; Humanitarian
Mohsim Humble,Patron,Benefactor
Mohsin Helper,Attractive, ,Benevolent,Benefactor,Charitable,Humanitarian
Mohtadi TBD
Mohtasham TBD
Mohtashim King,A Rich Guy
Mohtasim TBD
Moideen TBD
Moidheen TBD
Moidu Clever
Moidul Main; New
Moiez Protected
Moin  ,Fountain,Spring
Moin Ud Dawlah Defender Of The State
Moin Uddin Supporter Of The Religion (Islam)
MoinKhan TBD
Moinuddeen Assister Of The Faith
Moinuddin Assister Of The Faith
Moinudeen Assister Of The Faith
Moinudheen Assister Of The Faith
Moinudin Assister Of The Faith
Moinul TBD
Moinul Islam Supporter Of The Islam
Moinulislam Supporter Of The Islam
Moiz One Who Gives Protection
Moizuddin TBD
Moizz One Who Honours,Comforter
Mojaffar Successful; Victorious
Mojahid TBD
Mojahidul TBD
Mojammel TBD
Mojeeb TBD
Mojib Impressive; Pleasing
Mojibor Responsive
Mojida TBD
Mojmir TBD
Mojtaba Chosen
Mokammel Complete
Mokbul Accept
Mokhtar Selected
Mokibul Accepted
Moktar The Selected One
Momen Faithful
Momin Believer (in Islam),Pious,One Who Advocates Peace And Harmony. Attribute Of Allah
Mominul TBD
Mondher TBD
Moneer Shining
Moneera TBD
Monim Believer
Moniruddin TBD
Monirul TBD
Monish Lord Of Mind; Lord Shiva
Monji Unhappy
Monjur TBD
Monjurul TBD
Monowar Illuminated; Glorious Life
Monsef TBD
Monsur Justice Giver; Judge; Winner
Montasif TBD
Montasim TBD
Montasir Victorious; Triumphant
Monuddin TBD
Mooaz Lucky; Intelligence
Mookandi TBD
Moonis Companion; Consoler
Mooqineen TBD
Moosa A Prophet's name
Moosaa Name Of A Prophet
Moosha Prophets Name
Moqeem TBD
Moqtar TBD
Moqueem TBD
Moquim TBD
Morad Desire; Wish
Morshed TBD
Mortaza TBD
Morteza Chosen
Mortoza Chosen
Mosa Taken From The Water,Prophet Name
Mosab TBD
Mosaddak TBD
Mosaddeq Trustworthy
Mosah Graceful; Prophet
Mosaraf Brave
Mosarof Brave
Mosen Charitable
Moshahid TBD
Moshaid Helpful
Mosharraf To Be Honoured; Elevated
Mosharrof One Who Exalts
Moshik Attractive
Moshin TBD
Moshiur Well-known
Moshref TBD
Mosien TBD
Mosim Believer
Mosin Softness / Sweet
Moslem Follower Of Islam
Moslim Follower Of Islam
Mostaeen TBD
Mostafa Chosen One,The Chosen One,Variant Transcription Of MUSTAFA
Mostaffa Chosen
Mostafiz Helpful
Mostafizur TBD
Mostakim Right Way
Mostapha TBD
Mostofa Founder Of Islamic Religion
Motabir Trusted,Accomplished
Motasim Handsome
Motaz Proud
Motiul TBD
Mouad One Of Allahs Name
Mouafak TBD
Mouawiyah TBD
Moubarak Greetings
Moufid Useful
Mouhamad To Commend,To Praise
Mouhamadou To Praise,Praiseworthy
Mouhamed Peace
Mouhammed To Praise,Praiseworthy
Mouhamoin Hope
Mouhaned TBD
Mouhib Mouhib Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means Giving,Generous
Mouhyeddin TBD
Mouid Recreator; One Of Allahs Name
Moujab Moujab Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means Amazed,Impressed,Pleased
Moujib Moujib Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means Amazing,Impressive,Pleasing
Moujid Moujid Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means Creator,One Who Brings Something About
Moukhtar Chosen; Preferred Selected
Moukib Last Of The Prophets
Moukid Moukid Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means One Who Has Affirmed An Oath,One Who Makes A Solemn Promise
Moulali Variant Used For Mohammad
Moulana Our Master
Moulasab TBD
Moulay TBD
Moumin Believer In Allah
Mouminin Believer In Allah
Mouminun Believer In Allah
Moumir Moumir Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means Long-lived
Mouna Gentle,Kind,Pleasant,Friendly
Mouneer Shining; Bright
Mounib TBD
Mounier Shining; Bright
Mounif Excellent
Mounir Light,Sunlight
Mouqib Mouqib Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means On Who Gives A Goodly Reward To Someone
Mourad Desire,Wished
Mouri Mouri Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means One Who Spreads Good Things Between People,It Is The Opposite Of Corrupter
Mourib Mourib Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means Fluent,Eloquent
Moursal TBD
Mousheed TBD
Moushgan TBD
Moushin TBD
Mousin TBD
Mousir Mousir Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means Rich,Wealthy,Needless
Moustafa The Chosen One
Moustapha The Chosen One
Moutaaz Moutaaz Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means Possessor Of Great Honor And Glory,Powerful,Mighty. It Is A Variant Of Moutaz
Moutabir Moutabir Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means Tester,One Who Tests Something. It Also Means One Who Learns Lifes Lessons,Introspective
Moutadil Moutadil Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means Straight,Balanced
Moutamad Moutamad Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means Reliable,Relied Upon. It Also Means Aim,Goal
Moutamid Moutamid Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means Reliant,A Person Who Relies On Someone Or Something
Moutaq Moutaq Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means Freed,Freed Slave
Moutaqad Moutaqad Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means Belief,Conviction,Faith,Tenet
Moutaqid Moutaqid Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means Believer,Faithful,One Who Has An Unshakeable Belief In Something,Especially Belief In God
Moutasam Moutasam Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means Refuge,Recourse,A Place Or Time Where/when People Take Refuge
Moutasem TBD
Moutasim Moutasim Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means One Who Takes Refuge,One Who Takes Recourse,Especially One Who Takes Refuge In God And Puts His Trust In Him
Moutaz Moutaz Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means Possessor Of Great Honor And Glory,Powerful,Majestic
Moutazah Billah Moutazah Billah Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means One Who Has High Honor And Glory Through Allah,One Who Is Given Power And Honor By Allah
Moutazim Moutazim Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means Determined,Resolved,Persevering
Mouti Mouti Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means Generous
Moutif Moutif Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means High In Status And Rank,Elevated,Great
Moutiq Moutiq Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means One Who Frees Someone Or Something,One Who Frees A Slave
Moutir Moutir Is An Arabic Name For Boys That Means One Who Prays The Witr Prayer,Which Is A Voluntary Prayer Performed During The Night
Mouza Prophet Name
Mouzam TBD
Mouzim TBD
Moweid Appointment
Mowlana Calm; Silent
Mowluda TBD
Moydul New; Main